cleared HS 203! :))))))))))))))
Don't really know what to think of my papers so far. They weren't as difficult as I thought, but arghh the grade depends on my cohort. If they all do very well then I think I will probably be squeezed to the bottom. *crosses fingers*
Promised for more of yamapi! Eh, I just recently got into the Johnny craze so I just have to rattle on and on about them, esp. dearest yamapi. Ignore me if you think this is crap (BAH).
Pls dont ignore me completely T_T Anyways, thanks to the internet I get to watch
Kurosagi ONE DAY after it aired in Japan. HAHAHAHHA. and many thanks to the Chinese Subs team. Think
Kurosagi is gonna be a blast, given its ratings of 25% in the 1st episode!! dramas waiting for me to watch:
1. Anego
2. Kurosagi
3. Gokusen II
4. Dragon Zakura
5. Attention Please!
6. Engine
7. Gokusen
and not forgetting 30+++ episodes of Bleach!! Well, the only Jap anime I'm watching. Hee.

Yamapi says Hi!
reporting reporting...
Finished HS 204 Culture, Self and Identity!!! Woohoo.. the hardest module of the semester (I think)!! In less than 24 hours time will be my next soci paper.. *challenging desu ne! Suddenly got the motivation to blog and mug hard for my next paper due to my dearest yamapi :) He always strives to pitch with all that he has! Haha which is so cute desu!
More of yamapi after tomorrow's paper!
Work hard everyone!
I wonder who actually reads my blog.
MYSELF!! I love reading my own blog. lol. Sometimes I dunno who I am writing to/for. Well... it's good to have no agenda, so it's like free writing. But then again, I can't write everything and anything or I may get myself in court or something. =X
Some random thoughts today. Finished my Jap paper!!! :))))) That's 1 paper down. 4 more to go. Been stuggling real hard to study coz there are always distractions wherever I am at :( But God is good and He always encourages me :) I'm happy for that. Just yesterday something struck me that made me kinda upset.
I can trust no men. That's very scary. And it's worse when you think you know that somebody but many a time, that somebody isn't what you really think he is.
Am I just thinking too much?Anyways, I am still looking forward to the end of exams.
I mean WHO doesn't, seriously. Going to vietnam will be good fun and good experience, especially with all the
old people I am tagging along with.
May I not be a burden to them. My first backpacking trip.. here I come!!!!
to siangping the farmer, thanks for the encouragment you've showered me since the day I first knew you. you told me about how u always mug hard and play hard, mug mug mug then trek trek trek! I like it!!!! or is it mug mug mug then climb climb climb? ahahaha.. well, you really make a very good SP (my SP is SP!!) coz without you I dont think I can get so involved in ODAC now.. thanks!!! :)
it is always because of nice things that people do to you that make you wanna do nice things for others also!
mugging this sem is difficult, coz I have not much motivation to study. Looking at the readings I just get bored very quickly.. no sense of urgency! :( I often have to force myself to study coz I know I need to. arghh cannot let this sem be bad or my GPA will be a goner!! NOOOOOO!
2 more days to first paper.
today is the start of my official mugging days. having slept @ 4am the day before, I gladly woke up @ 1130 this morn. my late sleeping was partly due to taking to a particular person and also thanks to him I got freaked out by a photo in the wee hours (MSN me if u wanna view the photo). I was really hungry this morn but my dearest xiao mei brought me nasi lemak breakfast all the way from clementi, which she left outside my room while I was still snoring. tried to study for a while on the world bank and the IMF but after 2 hours I felt like sleeping AGAIN. (SP claims cows are sleepy animals)
lazed around in the room coz roomie not in and I was bored. and my room is seriously so messy i dun have space to lie on my own bed. luckily that particular someone cured me of my boredom by inviting me to lunchie and then to sADM to return his camera. (sADM= sch of Art, Design and Media) So I went to the temporary block of sADM (coz their sch building not yet completed) for the 1st time. wOw, there were really nice and creative art pieces and I'm amazed! nice nice nice.
after the nice time I had it was time to mug again. Denis was so piggy he was sleeping when I called him. So I ended up @ the Quad cafe alone doing some studying while waiting for him to bring me into his SBS resource room (Sch of Bio Sci). So here I am until now typing this boring entry while trying to read up on the WTO (world trade organization) and all the trade stuff.
I want the exams to end now.
Summer hols backpacking Vietnam. climbing Fansipan :))Vietnam:
*wettest from June to August (South)
*hot summers from May to October (North)
*Hanoi pop. 3.5 million
*Vietnamese (Kinh) is the official lang.
*Mandarin and Eng. also widely spoken :)
*Communist since 1975
*3/4 of the country is mountainous and hilly (!!!)
*highest peak (of indo-china) is Mt. Fansipan at 3124m (in the Northwest)
*views into Laos and China at its peak
Neat. Will be adding to the list!
When all things fail, God remains. He never fails.Without Him, I wouldn't be where I am today. I need to thank Him, thank Him for everything that He has given me. I remember when I was very young, I did something really wrong. I was so upset over it, I felt so guilty. I cried that very night but I asked Him, "God forgive me. Help me change." and He did. I didnt ever make the same mistake again.
Somewhere down that road, I forgot Him. I thought life wasn't worth living, I even thought I meant nothing in this world. Somehow, I overcame these thoughts. I believed He watched over me because He sees me even when I don't see Him.
I stumbled but I continued walking. This path isn't easy. Years later I took an even harder path, this path I chose to follow Him. True enough, setbacks came. I cried almost every night at that time, I cried because I felt so helpless and lonely. But He comforted me, He told me not to be afraid, he told me I wasn't the least lonely. Even when all men fail, He will be there for me.
He gave me a new path when I thought all was gone. I couldn't be anymore grateful.
The stars sing with joy and praise Him for eternity.